Provider Recruitment

Provider Recruitment Form

The CareConnect provider network includes some of the best clinicians throughout the lower eight counties of New York State: Bronx, Brooklyn, Nassau, New York, Queens, Richmond, Suffolk, Westchester. If you’re interested in becoming a CareConnect provider, please fill out the form below. Our dedicated Credentialing team will review your request and follow-up based on network adequacy.

†CareConnect requires all applicable practitioners who apply for participation to be board certified or in the process of receiving certification after completing requisite board education and training within a time frame set by the applicable specialty. Primary care and specialty physicians must be board certified in their area of practice.

* Indicates required field







Our network is currently closed for your specialty. We evaluate network adequacy every six months. You can fill out the information below, and our Credentialing team will contact you should an opening for your specialty occur.

Submission of a Provider Recruitment form is the first step to becoming a part of the CareConnect Network. This submission can lead to a Credentialing application and does not guarantee enrollment in the plan. All submissions will be reviewed based on current network need and you should expect a response within 60 days.