Health & Wellness
With the CareConnect Wellness Program, it pays to be healthy.
Need a little push to get healthier? As a CareConnect member, you can enjoy exclusive rewards, reimbursements and savings when you participate in our Wellness Program. Log in to our Member Portal to access the wellness benefits and reimbursement information specific to your plan.
Complete a voluntary health assessment each plan year and you can earn a VISA® gift card to help promote a healthy lifestyle. Your spouse can be rewarded too, if he or she is covered on your plan. The information collected from the health assessment will help us better understand your health care needs. Access your plan’s health assessment form on our Member Portal.
Gym Reimbursements
Gym memberships can be costly, but not as costly as being out of shape. That’s why CareConnect will help pay for memberships to gyms and health clubs, as well as fees for exercise classes like yoga, Pilates and spin. Download your gym reimbursement form on our Member Portal for more details.
One of the best ways to get and stay healthy is to start moving—without your car, that is. To make it easier and more affordable, CareConnect will reimburse you and your spouse (if he or she is covered on your plan) for a portion of the entry fees for certain organized walks or runs up to an annual maximum limit. Log in to our Member Portal to download the reimbursement form and get moving – for less!